
Monday, 23 December 2013

RES Trace

Create a trace file for troubleshooting RES Workspace Manager 2012

To initiate the RES Workspace Manager trace mode:

1) Add the following registry values to the machine running RES Workspace Manager under

64-bits OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RES\Workspace Manager

Value: Trace
Type: REG_SZ
Data: Yes

Value: TraceDetailed
Type: REG_SZ
Data: Yes

Value: TraceFile
Type: REG_SZ
Data: c:\temp\RESTrace.log

Since RES Workspace Manager 2012 SR1 it is possible to increase the size of the trace log by applying the following:

Value: TraceSize
Type: REG_SZ
Data: 10 (size in MB. Default= 2 MB, Recommended= 10 MB, Maximum= 512 MB)

Note: Only configure the 512 MB file size if this is requested by a RES Software Support Engineer.

2) Trace file is generated automatically within 1 minute. If not, restart the “RES Workspace Manager Agent” Service. This will not affect currently running sessions.

3) Check if the trace file is created correctly at the configured location.
Please make sure that every user has Modify permissions on the folder where the log file is created!
A correct trace file from a user session must contain tracing from the process "pfwsmgr.exe". Please verify this.

4) In a Process Interception investigation, an additional trace file named “igstub.log” is generated for intercepted processes within the user’s profile under “%TEMP%” (in general C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Temp)

- The location of c:\temp\RESTrace.log can be changed if necessary.
- It is not possible to use a variable like %systemroot% or %windir%
- Please make sure that every user has Modify permissions on the folder where the log file is created
- If you have configured `Read-Only Blanketing` make sure you make an exception for the location of the trace file

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